Wednesday, September 30, 2009

zombie legislation

Cap and trade rears its ugly head:

The expected costs are at least 10 times the expected benefits, even using the EPA's cost estimates and assuming achievement of the primary goal of the legislation.

More bad news about warming theory

The hockey stick is dead.

Friday, September 25, 2009

More shivers

"This policy does not in any way permit euthanasia."  Naw, of course not!

And liberals would never push to kill old people. Never!

Reasons why government health care is deadly:
1. You're an expense.
2. Regulations suffocate conscience.
3. You've become passive pawn, thus easy prey.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obama Bush

I wouldn't mind if Obama just came out and said, "I got into the White House, read the confidential reports, and realized this was the best option. Hey, George, my bad."

But he can't, can he?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Who called cops?

from Wall Street Journal:

A McClatchy Newspapers story on the history of ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) that ran Saturday, Sept. 19, mischaracterized the number of times ACORN staffers turned away two young conservative activists and called police. Police were called at two locations, and the activists were asked to leave at a third, according to ACORN.

To tot up what is known so far, out of seven offices, five (71%) offered help to the supposed sex-slavers, two (29%) called police, and one (14%) turned the pair away without getting involved. (These numbers add up to more than 100% because one Acorn office, in National City, Calif., cooperated and later called police.)

This looks even worse for Acorn than we had expected. We would have guessed that the number of Acorn offices that turned the investigators away was greater than one.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Shooting down another health care myth

From NY Times:

But a prominent researcher, Samuel H. Preston, has taken a closer look at the growing body of international data, and he finds no evidence that America’s health care system is to blame for the longevity gap between it and other industrialized countries. In fact, he concludes, the American system in many ways provides superior treatment even when uninsured Americans are included in the analysis.

Monday, September 21, 2009

And this

I knew that the Obama administration was moving fast to socialize the United States. I had no idea that its efforts at enforcing conformity through propaganda had reached such an advanced stage.

We can't even keep up.

Another scandal:

Drawing the NEA into an Obama-boosting project

"may well have been illegal. Public funds are not supposed to be expended to support partisan projects. Beyond that, it is unconstitutional to grant or deny federal funds on the basis of the recipient's political actions or opinions."

Another problem with Obama

From Kausfiles:

The more I think about it, the more the townhall anti-Obama anger isn't explained completely by the issues (sorry, Frank ). There's also something about Obama himself-. But that something (or the main something) isn't his race. It's that he's a relative newcomer, as Presidents go--an unknown quantity, an enigma, with a short track record and patches of that record left fuzzy.

At least one other problem: he's an enigma whose party is being run by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. I wouldn't trust George Washington as president if he had a Congress like this one.

The sad part is, he could have been, like Clinton, a fairly successful moderate, if facing as GOP or moderate Dem Congress (if the latter is possible.) Whether his party pulled him left is perhaps a question mark, although with every Van Jones the evidence mounts that he was far left himself.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

ACORN isn't just one scandal

This is the real problem. ACORN's real problem isn't the hooker problem. It's the fraud and graft.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More liveblogging

Boustany replies. some good ideas. We'll see


I just don't believe him.

And I certainly don't trust Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.


I will not sign a plan that will add one dime to the deficits now or in the future.

Good one.

Tort reform! OK, if he does this, as per our editorial, he'll win some kudos from me.

But I notice the Dems' applause is definitely tepid.

Cuts will be spent by removing waste. And that's what government does so well.


death panels:  "It's a lie."

No, you're the liar, Mr. President. Both the mechanics and the structure of the plan will do this.

Look at U.K.

"This too is false" on illegal immigrants. 

He's lying.

Government takeover? You're lying there too.

No one would be forced to choose it -- until it pushes companies to drop policies.

The public option would have to to pay its way. LOL!  Like the post office pays its way! Like Amtrak does!

Like public colleges? They don't pay their way!


"another man."  "A woman." Who? When?

"No one should be treated that way." So we'll have the government do it.

The time for bickering is past, he says. 

Man, plan has everything. They can't turn you down. So you don't sign up till you get sick. As Krauthammer said, costs will explode.

A new health exchange: why not let Utah test this out?

It won't start in four years. After the next election! What pure hypocrisy!

And that media whore McCain is going for it.

liveblogging the address to joint session

Let me say I can barely stand listening to this pompous phony. He doesn't believe much of what he says. He won't fight for what he does. Therefore his words are empty.

These pompous asses. Standing ovations for "I'm determined to be the last." Every president will have to deal with it!

Preview of national health care

Thank God there won't be any death panels!

From WSJ:

If you ever find yourself traveling on the Liverpool Care Pathway, you've taken a wrong turn. London's Daily Telegraph explains:

Rosemary Munkenbeck says her father Eric Troake, who entered hospital after suffering a stroke, had fluid and drugs withdrawn and she claims doctors wanted to put him on morphine until he passed away under a scheme for dying patients called the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP).
Mrs Munkenbeck, 56, from Bracknell, said her father, who previously said he wanted to live until he was 100, has now said he wants to die after being deprived of fluids for five days. . . .
Last week The Daily Telegraph reported a warning from experts that some patients with terminal illnesses were being wrongly put on the NHS scheme and allowed to die prematurely if they ticked "the right boxes."

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Two thoughts

OK, I read the text, so I don't have to listen to his blather.

First, he could be an inspirational president.

But why do you have to go to college to be a success? Don't we need good mechanics and factory hands and farmers and carpenters?


Sorry, just couldn't stand listing to Obama's speech. He's a pompous bore. And I don't believe a thing he says anyway.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009



Ezekiel Emanuel is upset. The president's health care czar sees the growing resistance to his vision, to his brave new world of government-run "
communitarian" health care in which politicians and bureaucrats control one-sixth of the economy and 100% of our bodies. He doesn't quite understand how it all came apart on him, but he does know who started the unraveling: Sarah Palin.