Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What really needs to happen

In our editorial today, we noted a local couple who actually gave stimulus money back.

Amos and Gloria Wright sent $500 back to President Obama at the White House.

Personally, I think this is what is needed. Tea parties and so forth are interesting. But protests against spending won't have any impact until people demand the government stop spending when it benefits them or one of their causes.

So maybe we can do without some F-22s for awhile. Or Social Security raises needed to be dialed back or frozen.

I love hiking. But if the national parks need to cut back on maintenance or even close, so be it.

The Retirement Home for Widowed Mothers of American War Heroes? Put it on hold.

Let's go back to the tea parties. A lot of them are my age (58) or older. Would they be willing to deal with a freeze on Social Security cost-of-living raises? Or work longer without taking it?

When the tea parties and other protests begin having that effect, then they'll be a force to reckon with. Not before, however.

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